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来源:2exam.com 2014-8-22 19:11:26

1) I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown,during uncertain economic times.


  2) You are the only one who can answer that,But what I can offer as guidance,and reassurance,is a story:the story of one Stanford graduate's process of stumbling and searching to find a place in the world,oftentimes in the face of her fears.


  3) The philosophics and ideologies themselves certainly left an impression on me.But the rigor of the distillation process,the exercise of refinement,that's where the real learning happened.


  4)When you graduate from here,you exit with thousands of pages of personal text on which are inscribed beliefs and values shaped by years of education,family interactions,relationship,experience.


  5)I had convinced myself that my analytic mind and my Stanford humanities degree were enough to guell the fear.


  6) We all know that normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours' sleep alternating with some 16-17 hours' wakefulness and that,broadly speaking,the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness.


  7) The case ,for example,with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where automation calls insistently for round-the-clock working of machines.


  8) This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another,so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently.


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